Monday, November 17, 2008

Lysistrata Post #2: Spectacle, The Importance of Props

LMAO, this play was hilarious from the beginning to the end. Every scene had some kind of humor to it with the reactions of the men and women or just from the numerous puns. Two of the scenes that I found extremely funny was between the Koryphaios of Men and Women, Lysistrata and the Commissioner, and between Myrrhine and Kinesias (especially the last scene mentioned!) But in these humorous parts, there is a common ground they share, the importance of the props. The props include bowles of water, torches, and in general household items. I saw the fire representing the men's sexual desire, hot and out of control. The water is for the women's calmness and ability to overcome their desire while "extinguishing" men's desires. The household items the women used when confronted by the Commissioner and the archers i imagine being spindles, brooms, knives, forks, anything they could use to defend themselves. LOL, Myrrhine showed the true power and control the women had. She used bedroom items to intensify the sexual fustration in her husband, and then left him for dead. Overall, im trying to say, the person makes the tools, not the other way around. The women demonstrated this perfectly using unusual, strange, and unexpected "weapons."

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