Monday, November 17, 2008

Lysistrata Post #9: The Boycott Was Awesome!!!

This play was not only hilarious but remarkable because of the fact Kathryn Blume was able to illustrate her purpose and do it by herself. I doubted that she could perform a one woman play without too much confusion but she delivered a wonderful play. It didnt follow the plot of Lysistrata exactly but I understood that certain characters or scenes were similar to those in the "Lysistrata" play. (Lysistraten = Lysistrata; Jack = Kineasis; ect.) What made the play more enjoyable was the fact a lot of friends from school was there. Michael Guardalabene especially made it funny with his over response to the acting (at appropriate times of course.) Overall, I loved it and would definitely go see it again and recommend it to my friends.


Kathryn said...


Thanks so much for coming to the show and being such a fantastic audience. You guys were great!


KC said...

I definitely agree with your opinion about the play. I also think that the solo actress was critical for her making her point. With only one person on stage, she was able to illustrate her compassion for her beliefs. With any more actors or actresses, the unbelievable determination that she obviously has wouldn't have been as clear.