Sunday, October 26, 2008

Power Rangers and Bernarda Alba

This was the most random dream i ever had. This weekend i dreamed of the original Might Morphing Power Rangers. The twist was that the characters from The House of Bernarda Alba were the actors in the TV show. The daughters were the power rangers, Bernarda was Zordon, and Poncia was Alpha. So everything was cool in the beginning, Zordon/Bernarda would set the rules and the rangers would follow them and do the missions while Alpha/Ponica assisted. One day Zordon was like, "Rangers you have to stay here because the outside world had become too dangerous for you..." Everyone was mad but they followed what he said except for the Green Ranger/Adela. She would not listen and just started fighting back. Alpha was doing what Zordon said but was thinking to herself, "I knew this would happen. Only if she had listen, we could have avoided this." Then thats when i woke up. LOL it was kinda weird but cool at the same time. Maybe ill get a chance to see the end tonight!!!!

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