Monday, October 27, 2008

Sisterhood: Does It Exist In The House of Bernarda??

I know this is just a play and all but, is there any examples that show the daughters of Bernarda bonding and sticking together??? What happened to the phrase, "Blood is thicker than water"?? I know that no relationship of any kind is perfect and there will be conflicts. That is inevitable (footnote today's TOK discussion..... YEA MR. GATEWOOD!!!) I know this for a fact because it happens in my family often. My siblings and myself have our differencences and various opinions. Sometimes our..... idk how to say it........ sibling rivalry (if that sounds right) takes the best of us and causes us to argue and fight. Few times we even held long grudges against each other. However, at the end of the day, we love and care for one another and i dont believe that we would tear each other apart like the daughters of Bernarda did. Through out the entire book we have observed countless acts of betrayal, deception, selfishness, jealousy, ect. I believe there were only a couple times where the sisters appeared as if they cared for one another. The only clear example i have is when Ameila tried to get Adela to stop having a secret relationship with Pepe el Romano.

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